“For over 20 years, Genesis has been the recognized leader of safe & sustainable pressroom chemistry."

We are dedicated to developing superior products and processes that promote safe and sustainable pressrooms while improving customer productivity and profitability. The printing industry is changing quickly and our products offer a distinct advantage when used properly. Genesis has the leadership and expertise to provide comprehensive training as well as the ability to walk management and operators through the evolution of implementing safe and sustainable processes and procedures using the Genesis system. The following technical white papers and training presentations are only a start, we can help you understand the difference between a traditional pressroom and a sustainable pressroom and help you make the transition when you are ready.

Fountain Solution pH & Conductivity

Modern Paper Characteristics

Calcium Carbonate (CaCo3) in Offset Lithography

Circumferential Comb or Cord Stripes in Lithographic Printing

Genesis Roller Care Training Presentation


Genesis Chemistry

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