“Genesis customers run the cleanest, safest and most efficient pressrooms in the world.”

As the leader in safe and sustainable pressroom chemistries for the worldwide packaging market, Genesis® ensures millions of consumable goods and products are printed and packaged safely each day.

Genesis has set the standard for printing safely and sustainably in the packaging industry and we are driven by our belief that if we embrace change and move forward, we will experience tremendous and positive results. We look at the smallest details of printing and packaging and certify our products to the strictest standards so that you don’t have to worry about how your cereal and ice cream carton, frozen food package and books and newspapers are printed and packaged – you know that if they were printed with Genesis, we have you covered. Genesis only manufactures products that are high-performing and safe for human beings and our environment.

Thousands of printers throughout the world recognize the positive impact of printing safely and sustainably with Genesis chemistries. We believe sustainable solutions start with us and we’re dedicated to providing our customers with innovative products to carry them well into the future.

Call us for more information about our commitment to safe and sustainable solutions for the printing and packaging industry and the world we share.

What are the benefits to running Genesis bio-based washes and low VOC sustainable fountain solutions?

Genesis commitment to safe and sustainable packaging: